Korean Film Festival

The Korean Film Festival was held August 30-September 2, 2006. The annual event offers both old and new Korean films.
Korean Film Festival
Lee Man-Hee Retrospective: Love’s Labor Found: Lee Man Hee
The Korea Society will be holding a special lecture titled “Love’s Labor Found: Lee Man-Hee” to introduce cinephiles to the prolific Korean director Lee Man-Hee and his work on August 29 at 6:30 PM at the Korea Society. The lecture will be delivered by Sue-young Park-Primiano, a doctoral candidate at New York University.

The lecture is being held in conjunction with special screenings of Lee Man-Hee’s films at the New York Korean Film Festival on August 30 and 31 at the BAM Rose Cinema and BAM Cinematek. The Lee Man-Hee retrospective will feature four of Lee’s best works, all subtitled in English: The Devil’s Stairway (1964), Water Mill (1966), A Road to Return (1967) and A Way to Sampo (1975). 
Short Film Grand Prize
The New York Film Academy is proud to sponsor the 2006 NYKFF’s Short Film Grand Prize. The Grand Prize, and a $1500 tuition credit to the New York Film Academy, will be awarded to the most outstanding work submitted to this year’s NYKFF Short Film Festival. A winner will be announced soon. 
New Home for the New York Korean Film Festival!
Since 2001, the NYKFF has served as the leading venue for introducing contemporary Korean films to American audiences. The festival has highlighted the most popular, provocative and entertaining features in contemporary Korean cinema. Now, we are very pleased to announce that the New York Korean Film Festival has a new home at The Korea Society.