Day 6—Friday

The following words or phrases are about Friday:
“After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF”
“Better days are just around the corner. They are called Friday, Saturday and Sunday”
“Black Friday special! Stay at home and save 100%”
“Coffee & Friday are my two favorite words”
“Coffee is Friday in a cup”
“Coffee tastes better on Fridays”
“Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday”
“Dear liver, it’s Friday. Sorry, little buddy”
“Employers are most happy on Mondays. Employees are most happy on Fridays”
“Forecast for tonight is alcohol, low standards and poor decisions”
“Friday 101: Drink coffee and look busy when your boss walks by”
“Friday & Coffee are my two favorite words”
“Friday goals: Drink coffee and look busy until the weekend gets here”
“Friday. Golden child of the weekdays. Superhero of the workweek. Welcome wagon to the weekend”
“Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from beating my coworkers”
“Friday is my second favorite ‘F’ word”
“Friday just called. She’ll be here tomorrow and she’s bringing coffee”
“Friday just called. She’ll be here tomorrow and she’s bringing tequila”
“Friday just called. She’ll be here tomorrow and she’s bringing the beer”
“Friday just called. She’ll be here tomorrow and she’s bringing the wine!”
“Friday must be a woman. It takes forever to come”
“Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the whatever”
“Happiness is a day called Friday”
“Happy Friday! Don’t forget to be fabulous!”
“Happy Friday you beautiful human”
“Happy Friday you beautiful human being”
“Happy Friday you beautiful human beings”
“Have a good weekend because Monday will be here in 30 minutes”
“Have a great weekend because Monday will be here in 20 minutes”
“Hey there, Friday! Welcome back you sexy son of a bitch! We’ve been looking for you since Monday!”
“Hey there, Friday! You sexy beast. I’ve been looking for you since Monday”
“Hi Friday! I’ve been looking for you since Monday”
“How can you tell which one of your friends got a good Black Friday deal?” (joke)
“How do you make a blonde laugh on Monday?”/“Tell her a joke on Friday.”
“How the days feel: Mooooooonday Tueeeeeesday Weednesday Thuursday Friday Strdy S”
“I added some Friday to your coffee. You’re welcome”
“I always give 100% at work: 12% Monday, 23% Tuesday, 40% Wednesday, 20% Thursday, 5% Friday”
“I am instantly 70% nicer after 3 PM on Fridays”
“I don’t care if it’s Friday the 13th. I’m just happy it’s finally Friday!”
“I don’t work on Fridays, I make appearances”
“I hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and half of Fridays”
“I have a feeling that my ‘check liver’ light’ may come on this weekend”
“I just got off the phone with Friday… She’ll be here tomorrow and she is bringing wine!!”
“I swear it was Friday like 5 minutes ago”
“I swear it was Friday like 2 seconds ago”
“I’m just a girl, standing in front of a Tuesday, asking it to be a Friday”
“I’ve got the same Easter plans as Jesus. Disappear on Friday, show up on Monday”
“If 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40, why can’t Thursday be the new Friday?”
“If Friday had a face, I would kiss it”
“If my boss knew how unproductive I am on Fridays, he wouldn’t want me here, either”
“Is it Friday yet?”
“It may be Friday the 13th, but it is still Friday and a reason to dance”
“It’s Friday and I’m thirsty”
“It’s Friday…any plan of being a productive member of society is officially thrown out the window”
“It’s Friday! Don’t forget to be fabulous!”
“It’s Friday! Just look busy until it’s time for wine”
“It’s Friday!!!! Sorry, just practicing for tomorrow” (Thursday saying)
“It’s Friday! The only decision you need to make is bottle or glass”
“It’s Friday, time to go make stories for Monday”
“It’s Friday! Time to work! And by work I mean drink coffee and pretend to look busy!”
“It’s Friday. Walk in. Fuck shit up. Walk out”
“It’s Robinson Crusoe’s favorite shopping day” (Black Friday)
“It’s Thursday, which is ‘Friday Eve’ in Optimisian”
“Let Friday show you where the smiles are in life”
“Let’s get this weekend going, people! That wine ain’t gonna pour itself!”
“Let’s get this weekend started, people! This wine ain’t gonna pour itself!”
“Live every day like it’s a summer Friday”
“Live every day like it’s summer Friday”
“Live every Friday like it’s a summer Friday”
“May everything you want this weekend be within reach of the couch”
“May everything you want this weekend be within reach of your couch”
“May today be the Fridayest Friday that ever Fridayed”
“May your weekend be full of adventure and cheer; may the start of next week be long ways from here”
“Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday blink Monday”
“Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday blink Monday”
“Music always sounds better on Friday”
“My boss yelled, ‘You’ve been late 5 times this week, Do you know what that means?‘“ (Friday joke)
“My goal this weekend is to move just enough so people don’t think I’m dead”
“Never check stock prices on Friday—it could spoil the weekend”
“Nothing fucks up your Friday like realizing that it’s only Tuesday”
“Nothing fucks up your Friday like realizing that it’s only Wednesday”
“Nothing messes up your Friday like realizing it’s only Tuesday”
“Nothing messes up your Friday like realizing it’s only Wednesday”
“Nothing ruins a Friday more than an understanding that today is Tuesday”
“Nothing ruins Friday like realizing it’s only Tuesday”
“Nothing ruins Friday like realizing it’s only Wednesday”
“Nothing screws up your Friday like realizing it’s only Thursday”
“Oh Friday! Let me hug u!”
“Oh Friday, let me hug you”
“On Fridays, I prefer my espresso in a martini”
“Only Robinson Crusoe had all his work done by Friday”
“Pretty rude that it’s not Friday, but ok”
“Smile. It’s Friday”
“Sure Happy It’s Thursday” (“shit” backronym); “So Happy It’s Thursday, Friday Is Tomorrow”
“Thank God it’s Friday. Only 40 more years of work left!”
“Thank God it‘s Friday. Only 40 more years of working”
“Thank God It’s Friday” or “Thank Goodness It’s Friday” (TGIF)
“Thank Goodness It’s Friday” or “Thank God It’s Friday” (TGIF)
“The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest”
“The worst part about Friday is realizing it’s only Tuesday”
“The worst part about Friday is realizing it’s only Wednesday”
“Three facts about Tuesday. 1. It’s not Friday. 2. Tomorrow’s not Friday. 3. The day after tomorrow isn’t even Friday!”
“Thursday doesn’t even count as a day, It’s just the thing that’s blocking Friday”
“Thursdays are just wannabes. They wannabe Friday, but they’re not!”
“Tremendously Grateful It’s Friday” (TGIF)
“We interrupt your happiness to bring you Monday morning. Your regularly scheduled happiness will resume on Friday”
“We interrupt your happiness to bring you Monday. Your regularly scheduled happiness will resume on Friday”
“We made it to Friday! Raise your cup to surviving another week of ‘What the hell now?’”
“We made it to Friday! Raise your cup to surviving another week of WTF-ery”
“We’re all just kids posing as professionals, counting the days until Friday”
“Wednesday is like small Friday”
“Weekend Forecast: Mostly drunk with a chance of horny”
“Well slap me silly and call me Darlin’, it’s Friday!”
“What day does an Easter egg hate the most?”/“Fry-day.”
“What’s the best day to eat bacon?”/“Fry-day.”
“Why don’t you eat fish on Thanksgiving?”/“Because Thanksgiving never falls on a fry day”
“Why is Monday so far from Friday, but Friday so close to Monday?”
“Why not move the clocks ahead on a Friday around 4PM?”
“Yay, it’s Friday! Oh wait, I’m a realtor”
“You know what rhymes with Friday? Alcohol”
“You there, Friday! Welcome back you sexy beast you! We have been looking for you since Monday!”
“You there, Friday! Welcome back you sexy son of a bitch! We been looking for you since Monday!”
BFD (Black Friday Deal)
Black Friday (Big Friday)
Black Monday; Black Tuesday; Black Thursday; Black Friday (Wall Street stock declines)
Fallout Friday
Friday Night Lights
Frinally (Friday + finally)
Friyay (Friday + yay)
Fucked-up Friday
Girl Friday (Gal Friday)
Guy Friday (Man Friday)
High Five Friday
MILF (Man, I Love Friday)
MILF (Man, I Love Fridays)
POETS Day (Piss Off Early, Tomorrow’s Saturday)
SLIF (Sorry Liver, It’s Friday)
TGI Friday’s (1965); “Thank God It’s Friday” or “TGIF” (1934)
Welfare Wednesday (Food Stamp Friday)